The first one on my list isn’t really a gadget you use for cooking, but instead for cleaning. For those of you with children, if you don’t have a Munchkin Deluxe Bottle Brush, I HIGHLY recommend getting one. It is fantastic for many reasons! It easily reaches in bottles and sippy cups and gets to the very bottom, where your hand can’t reach. The bottom detaches and gives you a smaller brush that is perfect for cleaning nipples and lids. The other great thing about it is that you can suction the bottom to the sink or counter to keep it handy and clean.
The pizza cutter, may seem very simple and not so useful! However, I have used it more since being a mom than any other gadget in my kitchen, and no, it isn’t because we have ordered more pizza!! It is because it makes cutting any meal into kid sized pieces. We use it to cut grilled cheese, pizza, waffles and pancakes, sandwiches, and literally anything else that we needed cut for Jonah.
Pinch bowls are not necessarily a gadget that gets used a lot, but when they are used they are very helpful! One thing that gets me frustrated in the kitchen is when I feel unprepared and rushed. When something is cooking and I don’t have my ingredients ready I find that things end of getting burned or not stirred enough or whatever! For all of your small ingredients, like spices, it is nice to have them premeasured and ready to toss in. It also makes it easy for cooking with kids. That way Jonah can just dump in and I don’t have to worry so much about over measuring.
Now for a gadget that I wish I owned… The pastry brush! It is a very simple and inexpensive gadget, but for some reason, I only think of it when I need it instead of when I am at the store. It would be great for baking bread and cinnamon rolls and anything else that requires brushing of butter or olive oil.
AND THE WINNER OF the $10 Bed Bath & Beyond gift card IS ssrayon! Congratulations! Please contact us at to receive your prize!