when you talk about yourself.
This post has been brought to you by Special K.
I’m referring the negative things we say about ourselves and each other that has come to be the norm these days. Words that bring you down have a direct impact on the way that you feel about yourself and how you take care of yourself. I want to raise my daughters to be confident women who understand that what they say has an impact on them personally.
Women like to talk…a lot. About their jobs, families and themselves…the latter is the one that takes the brunt of criticism and comparison to others. Then after you say (or think) those things about yourself, it’s easy to keep bringing yourself down and usually you feel right at home having these conversations with your best friend.
The infographic above brings to light some important facts about the effects of negativity and the idea that it’s all around us and has come to be normal. Negativity is a total dream squash-er – whether your dream is to weigh less, go back to school, start a business or write a book. The words…I can’t, I shouldn’t, I’ll never…are phrases we need to take a stand against.
I consider myself an optimist and have always been a believer that the words that you speak {or ones that are spoken to you} create the environment in which you live on a daily basis. So, I’m challenging and encouraging you today…make a list, start a journal, do whatever it takes to look straight in the mirror and tell yourself…I can, I should and I will.
This time of year, when food and treats are abundant, it’s so easy to joke around about what those extra calories are going to do for you and your girlish figure. It’s time to change that mindset, to head to those holiday parties ready to enjoy family, friends and the time that you get to spend with them doing the things that make your heart full.
Tyra Banks and Special K have joined forces to bring awareness to the idea that negativity is a barrier in many areas of life, especially weight management. Whatever your goals for 2014 may be, it’s a great time to decide to put aside those contrary attitudes and the things that keep you from making progress in the things you want to accomplish.
Will you join me in doing what it takes to #fightthefattalk? Visit www.fightfattalk.com to SHHHHut Down Fat Talk.